Waste Collection Schedule Framework

I have been using this great addon for a long time now, thanks a lot!
But I have a problem with my own code. Perhaps one of you experts can help me here!
My situation is as follows: I have 2 sources (one for the main garbage and the second one for the paper garbage). Now I want to build an entity that gives me the information when the next collection will take place.That works perfect for the first entity “Restmüll Tonne”. But the value of the “Papier Tonne” is always unknown. In the Calendar is every value stored correctly. Do you have any advice for debugging or maybe already see my error?

    - name: awido_de
        customer: rosenheim
        city: Bruckmühl
        street: Mittenkirchener Straße
    - name: chiemgau_recycling_lk_rosenheim
        district: "Bruckmühl 2"

  # ------- Garbage Collection ------- 

  # Nächste Restmüll-Abholung
  - platform: waste_collection_schedule
    name: "Restmüll"
    value_template: '{% if value.daysTo == 0 %} Heute{% elif value.daysTo == 1 %} Morgen{% else %} in {{value.daysTo}} Tagen{% endif %}'
      - Hausmüll Tonne
  - platform: waste_collection_schedule
    name: "BlaueTonne"
    value_template: '{% if value.daysTo == 0 %} Heute{% elif value.daysTo == 1 %} Morgen{% else %} in {{value.daysTo}} Tagen{% endif %}'
      - Papier Tonne
type or paste code here

Ever since i got this integration a year ago… its the only one where my Icons disappear. I have to sometimes do a clear cache reload of the browser or reboot HA… anyone else have this issue?

@osalj this was fixed here Fix: merton_gov-uk by dt215git · Pull Request #3351 · mampfes/hacs_waste_collection_schedule · GitHub and should be fixed in the current release

@Armagedoon In the YAML configuration you need to set source_index in the sensor config to 1 so it will check the source at index 1 (second source) it defaults to 0 (first source) so it works for your first sensor but not for your second one.

Alternatively, you could use the Multiple Source Wrapper to only have one source

The issues with ICS_v1 should be fixed in the current release. There wehre some other dependency issues regarding the python packages icalendar and icalevents. icalevents finally pushed a release making it compatible with icalendar = 6.x.x again. So these issue should hopefully be resolved with a simple restart.

I’m giving this a try and already succeeded to get the data into the local HA calendar through the webcal.
All the data comes from 1 source.
I was making the mistake to mix GUI for the configuration & yaml for the sensors but then I found out you cannot mix them. :upside_down_face:

I have the general sensor for the calendar which is OK.
It seems obvious to create separate sensors for each type of collection but when I create the first sensor, it has all the details from each type of collection in it’s attributes.
Is this how it should work?

Good morning,
I created an issue in regards to a new source and I provided the needed code in a PR. Now I just wanted to ask if I need to contact somebody for a review of my PR or if the will be reviewed if somebody finds some time? I am just not sure about the process in this project.

Thanks in advance