Watch 7 notification with picture

I’m trying to make an automation that will send me a notification that someone is in the yard and send a picture along with a TTS. But I can’t get the picture to come thru.
The snapshot works and is the “\config\www\tmp” directory.
I’ve tried various directory versions.
What is wrong with this?

action: notify.mobile_app_galaxy_watch7_dwwx
metadata: {}
  message: TTS
    ttl: 0
    priority: high
    media_stream: alarm_stream_max
    tts_text: Someone is in the front yard!
    image: "/local/tmp/snapshot_doorbell_FYPerson.jpg"

I don’t THINK pictures are supported when sending directly to a watch, as the docs don’t list it as a supported parameter. I know they do come through if sent to the phone (and then picked up on the watch).

pictures and TTS are not supported together