Water consumption - 'device class: water' missing in ESPHome

Hello, i was trying to setup the water consumption in the energy dashboard, but was not able to select my entity ‘water totaalteller’ that i get from the ESPHome pulse counter. The unit of measurement is set to m³, so i thought that was enough. But after trying some syntax changes, i noticed that i couldn’t select ‘water’ or ‘volume’ as a device class for this entity. For the gas counter i had no problems.
Am i doing something wrong? Thanks in advance. Tom

 - platform: pulse_counter
   pin: GPIO12
   unit_of_measurement: l/min
   name: 'water teller'
     - multiply: 0.1  # (60s/1 pulses per l/min) 	1 puls = ½ liter
     unit_of_measurement: m³
     name: 'water totaalteller'
     device_class: '' # cannot set to 'volume' or 'water'  
       - multiply: 0.0005  # (1/2000 pulses per m³) 
       - offset: 152.045

 - platform: pulse_counter
   pin: GPIO14
   unit_of_measurement: m³/h
   name: 'gas teller'
     - multiply: 1  # (60s/1 pulses per l/min) 	1 puls = 0,01m³
     unit_of_measurement: m³
     name: 'gas totaalteller'
     device_class: 'gas'
       - multiply: 0.01  # (1/100 pulses per m³)
       - offset: 145.122

You have to use a recent version of esphome
Mine is 2022.10.2
For information water port of my code

< ########### EAU ##################################################################################

Debit detecteur compteur d´eau

  • platform: pulse_meter
    id: capteur_inductif_eau_pulse
    number: GPIO25
    mode: INPUT_PULLUP
    name: “Debit compteur d’eau”
    unit_of_measurement: “l/mn”
    icon: mdi:water
    internal_filter: 200ms


Consommation Totale d’Eau Jour

  name: "Compteur Eau Jour"
  icon: mdi:water
  device_class: water   
  unit_of_measurement: 'L'
  accuracy_decimals: 0
    - multiply: 1  # (pour resrer en l)
  id: compteur_eau_jour


Consommation eau du jour en m3

  • platform: template
    name: “Compteur eau Jour m3”
    icon: mdi:water
    lambda: |-
    return id(compteur_eau_jour).state * 0.001;
    device_class: water
    unit_of_measurement: “m³”
    accuracy_decimals: 3
    id: compteur_eau_jour_m3
    state_class: total_increasing

########### EAU ############################################################################### >


Thanks!! My ESPHome add-on wasn’t updated anymore… I’ve installed a newer add-on, that did the trick.

Same issue here, I was “stuck” on some February 2022 add-on. Deinstalled it, added it again as an Add-On, everything was still there and the update helped. Thanks!

Has anyone solve this problem ??

Am currently on HA 2023.1.7 and esphome v2022.12.7 and I can’t add my node under Energy dashboard.

Getting No matching statistics found

Please verify the content of your sensor . If it has the necessary attributes as described here above, it will work

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I confirm that as soon as you add all three aittributes it works!
Thank you everybody