I’m on my third pressure transducer from Amazon (https://a.co/d/02SsVG8) and they keep dying on me. They work great for 2-3 weeks then just start giving bogus voltages. I have the transducer in series with an analog gauge which never reads above 70psi, which is correct since I am on a private well and that is what my pressure tank is set for. I have the sensors between my pressure tank and before my iron filter and water softener. I don’t think my unfiltered well water should be killing it(?). Any thoughts or recommendations on a better pressure transducer?
Thx @cmerritt82 ! Looks like you are using the same one that I have but mine is a 150psi, whereas yours is the 100psi model. With my luck, I wouldn’t be surprised if the 150psi model had a bad batch (and I got them all). May give the 100psi model a try.
These must be a bad batch or you have a bad voltage supply that is moving around and killing the sensor somehow. I’m still using the original ones I installed when I got my system up and running around April 2020 (almost 3 years ago).
If I were you, I’d try using a different high-quality 5V power supply and see if you get different results.
Just wanted to follow up in case it helps somebody else. I tried another power supply and had the same issues, then ran into some other issue with a different project using another Olimex ESP32-PoE-ISO. That led me to RTFM for ESPHome ESP32 and discovered that I should be using esp32-poe-iso as the board type from this list. Once I changed that, the readings are stable and no more fluctuations. I didn’t dig into how or why but I’m sure there is a reason buried in the code. Anyway, thx for all the help!