Water flow sensor relay control and usage monitoring

Hello, I need help with a ESPHome config.
I cant code to save my life

I have a reverse osmosis system that makes potable water available in my house.
this system has a UV sterilizer light.

The light stays on 24/7 but the system only runs a few hrs a day, the UV bulbs have to be replaced every 6 months do to this 24/7 operation.

I have an ESP-12F_Relay_X2
and a water flow sensor Gredia GR-402b

I would like to have the ESP switch on relay1 when it detects a pulse from the sensor and keep it on for 5 minutes, it also needs to reset the timer back to 5min every time a pulse is detected.

additionally, it would be nice to have the usage reported to Home Assistant, so I can add monitor use etc.

I really would like the sensor relay logic to be on the ESP and not use a hass.io automation.

but I am truly clueless beyond the most basic configs

here is some starting code just to define what I do know

  name: WaterRoom-RO-Controller 

  board: esp12e

# Use the blue LED in the device as a status LED, which will blink if there are warnings (slow) or errors (fast)
    number: GPIO2
    inverted: True

# x2 relay outputs, exposed as switches in Home Assistant
  - platform: gpio
    pin: GPIO5
    name: Relay1
    id: relay1
  - platform: gpio
    pin: GPIO4
    name: Relay2
    id: relay2
  # Blue LED on Board (not ESP board) as switch in Home Assistant
  - platform: gpio
    name: Led16
    pin: GPIO16
    inverted: true

  - platform: pulse_counter
    pin: GPIO2
    unit_of_measurement: 'L/hr'
    name: 'RO-Feed-Water'
	update_interval: 60s
       - lambda: return (x / 38.0) * 60.0;
    unit_of_measurement: "L/hr"

      unit_of_measurement: 'L'
      name: 'R-O Feed-Water'
        - multiply: 0.38  # (1/38 pulses per L)
	#2280 pulses per liter or 8630 per gallon
	#F=(38*Q)±3%, Q=L/Min

is there a bounty system here? i need to get this going but its over my head,

add this on your pulse counter:

     - above: 2.0 # sensor value  indicating flow
          - switch.turn_on: relay1

and on switch component:

    - delay: 3000s
    - switch.turn_off: relay1

Im looking to integrate my RO system with ESPHome to read data but still, even if you achieve it, there are some “UVC Ballast with delay” that do this job and I think it keeps it simple, they have a flow sensor and you setup the delay time for shut off.