Water heating automation with input box input, please help

I need codes that I can change the input box and the variable from the front interface related to water heating automation, can you help me?

I have a temperature sensor and a switch. When I enter the set value, the switch I will use for the heater will turn on or off accordingly.

I’ve seen generic Thermostat, but it doesn’t allow me to define input auxiliary input in the application.

I’m not sure I know where to write this code, it says configuration.yml in the source. I’m just starting out, sorry I’m a beginner.


    heater_switch: switch.test_prizi_socket_1
    temperature_sensor: sensor.internal_temperature
    target_temperature: input_number.set_test
    delta_temperature: input_number.delta

The code you’ve pasted comes from this custom component. Follow the installation instructions there if you really want to use that one.

The generic thermostat does allow for temperature adjustments with the climate.set_temperature service, which you can call from an automation triggered by changes to your input number.

I have this line at the top of my configuration.yaml file:

climate: !include climate.yaml

and then climate.yaml looks like this:

- platform: generic_thermostat
  unique_id: 44cb51f9-0ce8-4bd4-8de1-89509c0f6a51
  name: Central heating
  heater: switch.chc_central_heating_relay
  target_sensor: sensor.hall_temperature
  min_temp: 15.0
  max_temp: 22.0
  target_temp: 19.0
  sleep_temp: 17.0
  comfort_temp: 19.0
  away_temp: 16.0
  cold_tolerance: 0.1
  hot_tolerance: 0.1
  precision: 0.1
    minutes: 10

I use the preset modes comfort, sleep and away for the three temperatures I need, and select those via time- and occupancy-based automations — but you could just as easily set the temperature directly.

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Thank you, I will work on it and post the result.

Hello, when I added the following codes to configration.yyaml, I solved the problem, thank you for your attention.

    - platform: generic_thermostat
      name: Combi
      heater: switch.test_prizi_socket_1
      target_sensor: sensor.internal_temperature
      min_temp: 15
      max_temp: 30
      hot_tolerance: 0.5
      cold_tolerance: 0.5

Ekran görüntüsü 2023-02-26 143710

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