Hi there,
I’m looking for a water leak sensor which one is compatible with MQTT Open Gateway.
I found the following sensor in aliexpress:
Is there any experience and recommendation with this tyoe of sensor?
Thanks in advance.
Hi there,
I’m looking for a water leak sensor which one is compatible with MQTT Open Gateway.
I found the following sensor in aliexpress:
Is there any experience and recommendation with this tyoe of sensor?
Thanks in advance.
I have no experience with that sensor.
Why not make one yourself? For about $5 you can easy create your own mqtt water leak sensor.
You could even attach more sensors if you want to.
For example:
I would suggest the espeasy firmware for the mqtt and sensor part.
Thank you for your advice.
making some sensors with ESP is funny, agree. I have already some DIY sensors/gateways in my house. But DIY units not as cheap as it looks. components, case, power units etc are more expensive than it looks, If you want to do useful, good looking and ergonomic.
Continue to look for more compact solutions.
If your’e OK with a bit of DIY
This Leak Dedector is working with HA via OpenMQTTGateway:
I just ordered 2 sensors and they are less than USD3 here.
@kayhanbelek - what RF receiver are you using, and how do you handle multiple water leak sensors in Home Assistant? Do they use different RF channels?
I’m using DIY 433tomqttto433-gateway for all RF contact and sensors.