Water meter on batteries

Hi there

I’m planning to build a water meter based on Peter Brinkman’s design (Build a cheap water usage sensor using ESPhome and a proximity sensor - PieterBrinkman.com) but I want to run it on batteries since my water counter is isolated and there is no way to fit a charger or connect to mains.

I’ve setup one esp8266 with his code but, connected to a 20000mAh battery, barely keeps alive 5 days… I’ve been reading bout deep sleep elements but I don’t really where to begin with Peter’s code to introduce deep sleep nor it will work for this específic piece of work.

Any one has same situation or knows any trick?


I don’t have a technical answer to your question, but given the WiFi power draw I don’t think a decent battery life will be achievable; there are plenty on posts on the subject.

I would think the way forward would be a BLE or ZigBee solution. The ESP32 already supports BLE, I guess it would just need WiFi disabling. There are plans to release a ZigBee ESP too. Although range and interference may be an issue.

Obviously then there’s some coding involved to send the data.

Commenting too to keep tabs on the thread :slightly_smiling_face:

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I think there’s some nice Zigbee reed switch hacks for that kind of thing?

Other idea is maybe you can wake it up on pulse count? Then go back to sleep?

I think you need an esp32 for that though.


Thank you all for quick responses!

I really love the idea behind this @Mahko_Mahko : Gas meter from Xiaomi/Aqara door sensor (ZigBee)

I did try already with one spare aqara door sensor and didn’t get it to work without any further wiring (I think my water meter magnetic field is not strong enough). I already order some reed from aliexpress to try “the external version”.

I also order a ESP32 to try the deep sleep + BLE concept from Aliexpress… 10 days… I’ll keep you posted!


I checked the location of my meter, and it’s on the sidewalk down a 60cm hole. I could maybe envisage getting a battery operated radio thing there, but I can’t see how I would ever be able to install a sensor all that way down.

The only feasible option I can see now, for my user case, is to have a second meter installed in the home, negating the need to have a battery powered sensor.

I had a second meter installed in my home just for this. I originally tied it in to a door sensor so it was still battery powered. The meter I got had around 70 pulses per gallon and I was watering the lawn. Basically the battery only lasted 3 days when trying to transmit every pulse. I ended up having to run a wire to the meter and hook it to an ESP32 that was plugged in.

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Someone just needs to knock-up a self-powered solution that harvests/generates energy from the meter turning;) Basically contactless hydro-power;)

Hi, I finally received my ESP32 unit and I’m making progress with deep sleep state. I’ve been trying combinations of configuration and so far I always have the same problem: when unit is going deep sleep, all “counter” and “meter” states go 0 again. Any clue?

  wakeup_pin_mode: KEEP_AWAKE 
  run_duration: 60s
  sleep_duration: 360min
    pins: GPIO34
    mode: ANY_HIGH 

- platform: pulse_counter
  pin: GPIO34
  name: "water pulse"
  id: water_pulse

- platform: pulse_meter
  pin: GPIO34
  name: "Water Pulse Meter"
  unit_of_measurement: "liter/min"
  icon: "mdi:water"
    name: "Water Total"
    unit_of_measurement: "liter"

- platform: pulse_meter
  pin: GPIO34
  name: "Water Pulse Meter"
  unit_of_measurement: "liter/min"
  icon: "mdi:water"
    name: "Water Meter Total"
    unit_of_measurement: "m³"
    id: water_meter_total
    accuracy_decimals: 3
    device_class: water
    state_class: total_increasing
      - multiply: 0.001

- platform: template
  name: "Water Usage Liter"
  id: water_flow_rate
  accuracy_decimals: 1
  unit_of_measurement: "l/min"
  icon: "mdi:water"
  lambda: return (id(water_pulse).state * 10);

I have a hunch, this could be the same issue I’ve been fighting as well: two sensors with same input not work with latest firmware · Issue #3364 · esphome/issues · GitHub

So basically once you use GPIO34 for wake up, it won’t be available for the pulse_counter anymore.
AFAIK the code you’re using doesn’t work in the recent ESPhome (> 2022.5.0) precisely for the same issue.

Hmm maybe they don’t persist across deep sleep?

I think globals do. So you might need to build a DIY counter using globals.

You might be about to reuse parts of this which does a delta sensor across deep sleep cycles.

  - id: previous_value
    type: float
    restore_value: yes
    initial_value: '0.0'

#Track end of day battery (manually updates at the end of the day before sleeping for the night) 
  - platform: template
    name:  End of Day Battery ${friendly_name}
    id: end_of_day_battery_percent
    update_interval: never
    icon: "mdi:solar-power"
    unit_of_measurement: '%'
        - lambda: id(change_in_end_of_day_battery_percent).publish_state(x - id(previous_value));
        - lambda: |-
            id(previous_value) = x;
#Track daily changes in battery
  - platform: template
    # source_id: end_of_day_battery_percent
    id: change_in_end_of_day_battery_percent
    icon: mdi:trending-up
    internal: false
    name: Change in End of Day Battery ${friendly_name} 
    unit_of_measurement: '%'
    accuracy_decimals: 1

Or maybe just send the pulse to HA to do the counting?

But it really counts during sleep/wake times; if only totals and states were “stored” would be fine

I do have a water meter set-up as well, using an ESP32.
In my case it is powered by wire, so I don’t need the Deep Sleep function.
However, to have a preserved water meter counter value, I am using a global variable and some on_boot and on_shutdown actions.
Here it is stated about on_shutdown that:

This automation will be triggered when the ESP is about to shut down. Shutting down is usually caused by too many WiFi/MQTT connection attempts, Over-The-Air updates being applied or through the Deep Sleep Component.

So it looks like this could help as well with Deep Sleep enabled?
It is not mentioned that on_boot is also triggered by coming out of Deep Sleep, but it is worth a try.

This are some applicable excerpts from my code:

  board: ttgo-t7-v13-mini32
    type: arduino

  name: t7v13-01
      - pulse_counter.set_total_pulses:
          id: pulse_counter_water
          value: !lambda 'return id(global_water_total);'
      - globals.set:
          id: global_water_total
          value: !lambda 'return id(water_total_liter).state;'

  - interval: 30s
      - globals.set:
          id: global_water_total
          value: !lambda 'return id(water_total_liter).state;'

  flash_write_interval: 60s

# Global variables
  - id: global_water_total
    type: int
    restore_value: yes

  # Water meter setup
  - platform: pulse_counter
    pin: GPIO16
    update_interval : 6s
    name: Water Rate
    id: pulse_counter_water
    use_pcnt: true
    unit_of_measurement: "l/min"
    icon: "mdi:water-outline"
      name: Water Total Liter
      id: water_total_liter
      device_class: water
      state_class: total_increasing
      accuracy_decimals: 0
      unit_of_measurement: "l"
      icon: "mdi:water-plus-outline"

To ensure that the value is preserved during a power failure I also have an interval option to write the value to flash every 30 seconds (globals.set).
To my understanding this does not wear-out the flash because writing to flash only really happens when the value is really changed.

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someone can say me the battery life?
