Water Meter Pulse Sensor to measure usage

Hi All

I have the Honeywell / Elster V210 water meter (UK typical meter) and I want to find out the best way to measure my usage.

It appears the manufacturer, Elster have their own pulse meter probe available, PR6. Links below.


Would I be able to use this pulse probe to integrate with HA? What else do I need to connect via esphome or another board?

Or is there even another cheaper off the shelf option?



It is definitely possible.
Since my meter is outside my WiFi and ZWave range, I used a “long range” 433MHz door sensor and a Sonoff RF bridge flashed with tasmota. Regarding coupling with the meter, I used a small reed switch protected with Heat-Retractable Sleeve, glued on the meter cover so that, with the cover closed, it seats right on top of the rotating magnet. I connected it to the door sensor in the points where the original reed switch was connected.
