Water Meter Reading/Integration with Itron EverBlu Cyble Enhanced

I’ve been using this for a while with a slightly modified code. I got 2 frequencies where the meter would react, one was all the time. The other only every so often.

How do you know you are getting a different frequency? Add some logging to the C++ code + use an analyser as mentioned above. Really does help.

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You can just use the capabilities inside the everblu-meters-esp8266.ino to easily retrieve the proper frequency. Uncomment the code between line 275 and 294

Anyone ever figured out why water company can’t read data if you read it with this integration?
In my case, company had to change 2 meters because of my readings :slight_smile:

Which country and which meter?

I had the same issue. I consider it is some setting in the app which keeps track of the read count and if not matching it just doesn’t read it anymore.

Yea, we already talked about that. Thought maybe someone else had similar issue and found some fix.

Sorry, I didn’t just noticed, that we talked about this before. I just figured it out.

Not so many people are using this solution to read it. I haven’t tried to read it since, but most likely I will face the same issue. There is a guy in Github, one of the issues, who confirmed the that the code works with the AnyQuest Cyble Basic. Maybe ask him, if he has any similar problem with the water company.

Have they replaced the whole meter or just the smart meter bit?

Just the smart meter bit, not whole meter.

In my case they replaced the whole meter.

Hi guys.

What a coincidence… I establish this reading about a month ago and wondering why last two days now there is suddenly no readings anymore. Today I’ve receive a paper they (water company) two days ago change electronic transmitter because was unable to read meter counts. I think with @Vorhees we are from same country (SLO), so same issue.

I know they drive around and read meters from car maybe once per month automatically. From my point of view looks like thier system count readings and if there is no continuity of read count number then software return some failure.

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Yes, it must be somewhat “bad” software on their part. I could still read readings just fine even after they said they couldn’t, up until they changed the transmitter. Too bad, cause it was a really easy way to read water usage.

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Yes, totaly agree. My readings was every day from Monday to Saturday from begining. Now when they change transmitter there is no connection probably because SN or frequency changed. But I just shutdown my ESP reading receiver and I’m very disapointed atm. I know if i start reading again they will change it again probably and start investigating what happening at my location. I dont want to run into problems after all.

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Great to see so mutch progress

Anyone know if anyone is working on a LoraWan Cyble 5 version?

I’m interested in the leak detector part. Can you send me the code or the address of the leak detector register?

Hi, please, just for my understanding. Do I understand correctly that communication from AnyQuest Cyble (v1.0) Enhanced is possible? (because I can’t find the requested frequencies) I used NodeMCU V3 as you.

I have a Basic, not the Enhanced, and yes it is possible. But as you can see from posts above, most likely the water company will be unable to read it afterwards, if they enabled the check of the “read counter”.

You might face issues and being unable to read your meter, if you are too far, have not connected correctly the radio module, or and that is a possible scenario as well, but I am not sure which Cyble model supports it, if the module has been set to bubble-up mode. Then the device just broadcast regularly, and it does not require interogation, and might not be reacts to interogation.

What program to compile IT all files

Any news about Cyble 5 LoRa 868MHz version?

Sorry for the late anwser.
I don’t know the register number. I have read that it has this function in meter datasheet.
Sorry. Maybe someone can study that.

Looks like Richard Huish has done some further work in this space: Reading Cyble EverBlu Water meter with ESP32/ESP8266 and 433Mhz CC1101. Home Assistant MQTT AutoDiscovery

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