Water Pressure Z-wave - wifi: monitor pressure of city water


i don’t know if i’m at the right place. if not, sorry and give me some hint :wink:

my question is: do you know a water pressure sensor that i can integrate in HA ?
eg. Water Consumption Sensor incl. Leakage Protection: Aqua-Scope i did find a vendor for this. that’s why i ask here.

thank you in advance.


I’m also looking to measure the water pressure of my well to know when the pump needs servicing. I haven’t found any off-the-shelf wifi or zwave pressure sensors, so I’ll probably build my own using a ESP32 and an analog fluid pressure sensor.

There are many water pressure sensors available on Amazon, but from the reviews they are mostly junk, often failing after a few months of use.

The DFRobot SEN0257 looks promising. Operates from 0 to 290 psi (0 to 2 Mpa). 5V input, 0.5 to 4.5V output.
Wiki page for using it with an Arduino.
Youtube video

My plan is to use the SEN0257 with an ESP32 and ESPHome for easy integration with HA.


Just did the same with the DFRobot sensor and a Wemos D1 mini - still figuring out the exact values for calibration.
Seems to work okay, at least for now; let’s hope the sensor lasts.


How is this working for water pressure? Calibrated fine and lasting?

The sensor is still working fine for me after more than 15 months.
I’m not 100% sure about the calibration, but it’s enough for me to be a ‘kind of in the right ballpark’ figure - I’m more interested in the changes than the absolute values.