Watermeter pulse sensor S0PCM

Hi Marcel,

How is your S0PCM implementation in HA holding up? I’m in the process of switching from Domoticz to HA but this S0PCM is holding me down. I use 4 of the 5 channels (Water, 2x PV, EV-charger).

Is the topicstarter in am using the S0pcm over some time without any issues. I am using the docker which is working completely stable.

My readings are most of the times way to high. In a normal day using 500-1000 liter of water, it does not seems to be correct. How does this compare to you guys ? And how do I change it?

Sorry I missed your question. I am using the S0PCM5 for almost a year now. I do miss pulses now and then, so I made a habit of checking the readings on a regular basis. Sometimes the values are in sync for weeks, and suddenly I miss (quite) a few kWh…

Therefore I made a dashboard to correct the meter values easily from my phone. I used the HACS frontend card ‘Numberbox card’, where you can increase (and decrease) a value by pressing a button. The step-size I have put in a helper, because sometimes you want to correct with 0.1, and sometimes with 0.01

I tried the standard input method, but the keypad covers all readings on the phone screen, making the adjustment a big fuzz. With this card you can do it with one hand (in the other i have a flashlight to be able to read the meter values)

If you are interested. let me know and I’ll share all the info


PS. Still haven’t water readings added. I need to 3D-print a sensor mount for the water meter, as the induction sensor doesn’t work with my water meter. I’m reverting to a LED/sensor to detect the passing of the mirror. But I have so many other things to do, too…