Waterproof ultrasonic distance sensors, jsn_sr04t, aj_sr04m or sr04m-2?

This sensor I bought from a chinese site made me loose about a day of work to get it up and running. At first glance it could be attributed to wrong documentation, this page in particular: https://esphome.io/components/sensor/jsn_sr04t
but I actually think that at the time of writing this particular board was not yet around, and then the chinese made a mess with the naming.

TLDR: this board (SR04M-2) has to be configured as a JSN-SR04T, from the resistor to set the operating mode, to the YAML

This is the relevant part of my working config (Mode 1 and heavy filtering to slow down the rate, prioritizing having no outlyers):

  tx_pin: GPIO14
  rx_pin: GPIO12
  baud_rate: 9600

  - platform: "jsn_sr04t"
    name: "Livello Intercapedine"
      - quantile:
          window_size: 10
          send_every: 50
          send_first_at: 1
          quantile: .9

I hope this can be of help to anyone like me that bought this board. Take care.

Did you leave R19 free or solder a resistor?
Thank you.

(In this case, it seems that you are using an ESP32. I am using an ESP8266.)

I soldered a 47k resistor to get into Mode 1, lots of data that I then can filter a lot to mitigate outlyers. I’m planning to try Mode 2 by soldering a 120k resistor or another board.

I’m using too a ESP8266 (nodemcuv2), but it’s not relevant

Here is the board with the 47k resistor:

as you can see the RX (and TX on the ESP) pin is disconnected at the moment because not needed in Mode 1

Here the test for mode 2, with a 120k resistor (100k+22k):

and the updated YAML:

  - platform: "jsn_sr04t"
    name: "Livello Intercapedine"
    id: livello_intercapedine
    update_interval: 1s
      - clamp:
          min_value: 0.4
          max_value: 3.0
          ignore_out_of_range: true
      - sliding_window_moving_average:
          window_size: 7
          send_every: 3 # TODO slow down to 10sec
          send_first_at: 3

Note the update_interval now is mandatory to send the trigger packet, and the RX wire needs to be connected to the ESP TX.

I’ve also changed the filtering strategy, but still experimenting with it.

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I’m having no luck. I can never figure out what I did wrong.
I have an ESP8266. The schematic is below.
On it, the TX is GPIO15 (D8) and the RX is GPIO13 (D7).
My board is different from yours. I used an AJ-SRO4M, with a JSN-SR04T ultrasonic sensor.
I put a 120K resistor to activate mode 2 and was inspired by your settings to control the measurement.
But, although the sensor appears online, nothing is measured.
Have you ever worked with the AJ-SRO4M?

Hi, thanks for your contribution - I am trying to get it to work for days now - I used your settings (using an ESP 32 wroom board) with Rx from the sensor going to TX on the board. The sensor shows up after compiling with “unknown” - however on the Webpage of the board I get the following checksum errors.

Now I also found this link: jsn_sr04t component: AJ_SR04M compatibility mode in checksum calculation by soeffi · Pull Request #7044 · esphome/esphome · GitHub which describes how they created a solution that should be part of the ESPhome “package”. What I have been using as yaml is the following: `uart:
id: uart_bus
tx_pin: GPIO21
rx_pin: GPIO19
baud_rate: 9600
#parity: NONE
#stop_bits: 1
#rx_buffer_size: 5
(forget the buffer size - I picked that up in another post where they complained about the extra bot, however makes the board disfunctional)
— and —

  • platform: jsn_sr04t
    name: “Drive distance”
    model: aj_sr04m
    uart_id: uart_bus
    id: drive_distance
    device_class: distance
    update_interval: 1s
    • clamp:
      min_value: 0.4
      max_value: 3.0
      ignore_out_of_range: true
    • sliding_window_moving_average:
      window_size: 7
      send_every: 3 # TODO slow down to 10sec
      send_first_at: 3

(note there are no " " around the platform and the model names. If you put “” arond the model name, the compilation takes ages and eventually hangs)

[09:26:50][W][jsn_sr04t.sensor:054]: checksum failed: 76 != 75
[09:26:51][W][jsn_sr04t.sensor:054]: checksum failed: 76 != 75
[09:26:52][W][jsn_sr04t.sensor:054]: checksum failed: da != d9
[09:26:53][W][jsn_sr04t.sensor:054]: checksum failed: cb != ca
[09:26:54][W][jsn_sr04t.sensor:054]: checksum failed: ad != ac
[09:26:55][W][jsn_sr04t.sensor:054]: checksum failed: 67 != 66
[09:26:56][W][jsn_sr04t.sensor:054]: checksum failed: 59 != 58
[09:26:57][W][jsn_sr04t.sensor:054]: checksum failed: dd != dc
[09:26:58][W][jsn_sr04t.sensor:054]: checksum failed: bc != bb
[09:26:59][W][jsn_sr04t.sensor:054]: checksum failed: 76 != 75
[09:27:00][W][jsn_sr04t.sensor:054]: checksum failed: cc != cb
[09:27:01][W][jsn_sr04t.sensor:054]: checksum failed: b0 != af
[09:27:02][W][jsn_sr04t.sensor:054]: checksum failed: 76 != 75

I am continuing the search and will keep you up to date of any progress.

btw, I put 120k resistor on the points of the sensor - see picture.

The led on the sensor and the board are flashing in tandem, so they are talking to each other - which in and of itself is a breakthrough after 2 days…

Ok! I found the solution in this post: Ultrasonic aj-sr04m not working - #8 by Zarka44


Hi, I had similar issue and debugged it using simple Arduino program. The issue is that checksum that is calculated is not clearly defined: the response from sensor is 4 bytes - header, high bits, low bits checksum. And some examples add highbits+lowbits and expect this to be equal to checksum, while others add header+highbits+lowbits and expect it to be checksum. Since header is always FF, it introduces this one bit change. So this is the reason. The solution at least for me was to use platform jsn_sr04t and NOT use specific model (using specific model caused 1 bit difference in checksum calculation)

  - platform: "jsn_sr04t"
    name: "Distance"
    update_interval: 1s
    uart_id: Serial_2
#    model: aj_sr04m

I left out the reference to model: aj_sr04m and it works:

- platform: jsn_sr04t
  name: "Drive distance"
  #model: aj_sr04m
  uart_id: uart_bus
  id: drive_distance
  device_class: distance
  update_interval: 1s
    - clamp:
        min_value: 0.4
        max_value: 3.0
        ignore_out_of_range: true
    - sliding_window_moving_average:
        window_size: 7
        send_every: 3 # TODO slow down to 10sec
        send_first_at: 3

(I also have a piezoelectic sensor and a reed sensor attached - all to check the mailbox)