Waveshare 7.5v2 epaper dimming issue

Im having an issue with my Waveshare 7.5v2 epaper display running on a esp32 driver board. The display is refreshing but in the last step of the refresh it dims. Tested the setup on another 7.5v2 dispaly and I’m having the same issue. Any tips on what is wrong?

test code im running

clk_pin: 13
mosi_pin: 14

  - platform: waveshare_epaper
    cs_pin: 15
    dc_pin: 27
    busy_pin: 25
    reset_pin: 26
    model: 7.50inV2  #800x480
    update_interval: 500s
lambda: |-

it.filled_circle(200, 150, 50);

it.circle(75, 75, 50);

it.circle(75, 225, 50);

it.circle(325, 75, 50);

it.circle(325, 225, 50);

it.line(0, 0, 400, 300);

it.line(400, 0, 0, 300);

Waveshare 7.5 dimming


have you found a solution for that?

I’m facing the same issue

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