Wavin Sentio via Modbus TCP

Hi all,

I try to reach a Wavin Sentio via Modbus TCP and read measured values. This is the configuration I inserted into configuration.yaml but it is not working.:


  • name: Sentio
    type: tcp
    port: 502
    • name: Room 1 temperature
      unit_of_measurement: °C
      slave: 1
      address: 00104
      input_type: input
      scale: 0.1
      precision: 1

Interestingly enough I can read and write values with Node-RED at the same time, and I can read also other Modbus TCP devices.

Do you have any advice how can I solve it?


Mine looks like this:

- name: Sentio
    type: tcp
    host: *****
    port: *****

      - name: "Sentio BedroomDesiredTemp"
        slave: 1
        address: 101
        input_type: input

I think you should use quote for the name if it contains spaces.
I didn’t use 00 (double zero) before the address.
I couldn’t use unit_of_measurement. Even if I enter the output nothing happens. The output of the above sensor is: 2511 (which is 25.11 °C). So the workaround for me was to convert it to another sensor like this:

  - sensor:
### Sentio templates ###
      - name: "WS Bedroom Desired Temp"
        icon: mdi:thermometer
        unit_of_measurement: "°C"
        state: "{{ (states('sensor.sentio_bedroomdesiredtemp')|float / 100) }}"

The sensor.sentio_bedroomdesiredtemp name comes from the name of the modbus address. Spaces are converted to underscores. So in your example it will be sensor.room_1_temperature

I started to “play” with Sentio modbus. And with help of this this topic I managed to get test sensor working. So wanted to share my config:

  - name: Sentio
    type: tcp
    host: ***.***.***.***
    port: 502
      #Test room 8 temperature
      - name: "Room 8 t"
        slave: 1
        address: 804
        input_type: input
        unit_of_measurement: °C
        device_class: temperature
        scale: 0.01
        precision: 2
      #Test room 8 humidity
      - name: "Room 8 h"
        slave: 1
        address: 806
        input_type: input
        unit_of_measurement: "%"    
        device_class: humidity
        scale: 0.01
        precision: 2

scale: 0.01 gives proper value, for example instead of 2387 shows 23 and precision: 2 adds .87 so value in HA looks 28.87


Device class gives proper icons. With this, there is no need for additional sensor template.