I have a bunch of switches and lights, but for some reason, binary sensors are created for every switch and light, mirroring the state of the device. I don’t know what the point is with these, but the annoying part is that they clutter up my dashboard with duplicate controls. How can I hide these easily without making a dashboard where I have to handpick everything? I guess I could go into every binary sensor and click hide, but that’s also tons of work. Is there a point in having these visible everywhere? What do I even need them for? This is from the RFXCOM integration.
My best guess would be the spook integration.
It is the only one that provide feature in that genre.
Thanks for the link. Didn’t know about that integration. Looks like quite some work to do what I want in it. Something tells me I’m better off just ignoring the binary sensors. What is the point of them being created any way?