Waze Travel Time Integration weirdness

Hi there

So I’ve been using Waze Travel Time integration to let my family know when I’m due back from work. It worked really really well, everything was perfect until I got a new phone.

All I did when I got a new phone was to change the device tracker for my user.

The Waze integration is simply setup as it’s origin to be username.tracker and the destination the long/lat of home.

Nowadays, while it works it gives me totally random times it seems. The further from home I am, the more random it seems to be. As I get closer it re-calculates and gets the time right on the last poll (5 minute)

I’ve tried re-installing the Waze Integration and this did not help.

Furthermore, this evening I wanted to test to see what happens. I set the origin as home and the destination as a different long/lat about 15 minute away and I couldn’t even setup the integration because it stated “failed to connect” which could indeed be why my travel time is so out - but the logs don’t seem to show anything :frowning:

So I’m a bit stuck! :frowning:

I have this same problem since this week or so, but I didn’t get a new phone…

Ah that’s interesting, I just obviously put two and two together and coincidence occurred.

So did you manage to figure out what’s going on? I can’t find a ‘known bug’ for it sotospeak

No I didn’t really investigate it. Since Covid I’m only at the office once per week so the intergrations doesn’t gets used as much as before. I just tought this was a one time thing maybe, untill I read your post. So I am not completly sure if we have the same problem or not, I shall monitor it the next time.

Okay so I’ve done a bit more digging with this.

Seems that all of a sudden I am getting “Error: required key not provided @ data[‘name’]”

I’ve googled it and nada! No idea what it means. Well I mean, I guess it’s because there’s no required key but I don’t know what that means (i.e. what key?!)

So I went to the office again, and again the travel time was way off. So still having that problem, but I don’t see that error in my logs.

@Slinkos this has now been fixed with the latest core update :slight_smile:

Oh is it? I wanted to tell you that when I was at the office 2 days ago the travel time was right. But I didn’t know it was because of an update!

Yeah, I actually bother to read the release notes and it mentioned it bumped Waze to something or another and hey presto!

I had changed my notifications on Alexa to still include the travel time but added “but this is probably totally wrong” :joy:

Have removed that now, happy child, happy daddy and not bothered wife :joy:

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I have tried to add waze over “device and services”.
It worked one time but I had to delete it because the address was wrong. Than I tied to add it again and now I get always

I have written the address in “Startort” and “Zieleort” and clicked on submit. After that I get this error.

You’ll have to translate that error.

google translates it to “Connection Failed”

Check your home assistant logs inside your config folder and post the errors you see.

Found the reason.
I had “Deutschland” in the address instead of “Germany” like
Street Housnr PostalCode Deutschland
instead of
Street Housnr PostalCode Germany