Wazuh 4.7.2 / SIEM?

Does somebody as already installed succesfully the wazuh agent on HA ?

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I´m also interested in this topic…integrate Wazuh 4.7.3 in HA or only send authentication logs to SIEM…



You can find documentation about Wazuh installation using APK section commands from this page : https://documentation.wazuh.com/current/installation-guide/wazuh-agent/wazuh-agent-package-linux.html

Thx a lot, I will have a look.

Did you manage to install it succesfully? I would like to install it aswell

I have tried to directly install it, however it seemed to dissappear after a restart or update. For debugging purposes i made it in an addon, which does work fine, but runs only in it’s local environment: home-assistant-magic/wazuh-agent at main · Anonymoesje/home-assistant-magic · GitHub
I’m still investigating a way to have the addon work at root level and maintain the installation.