Weaning off duck dns

So I am trying to close my network again (weaning off duck DNS) and just accessing through nabu casa. This is going badly. I turned ssl: false, everywhere I could find, and defined my sources as http://192.x.x.x:x everywhere I can find. I can boot, but I have lost access to configurator and node-red in the iframe link and through open web ui. What am I doing wrong?

Are you trying to access those addons locally, or through nabu casa? I don’t believe the nabu casa remote connection works for addons currently.

If trying to access locally,
You have “"ssl": false,” in the config for those specific addons?
You’re not accessing them with an “https” link?

Great questions. I have removed S from https and made SSL: false in the preferences for the add-on. right now I am on a local computer, so I don’t know whether having enabled nabu casa will route that instance out and back in or not.

I didn’t know that nabu casa wouldn’t allow the add-ons to work. kind of a bummer.

Ok, I think it was a problem with not clearing the browser caches. With time thing started to prompt again. Maybe it was the 30+ restarts? I hope you all have an easier time!