Currently, actionable notifications on Wear OS only work if they are sent to your phone that is paired to the watch; sending them directly to a watch isn’t supported. The docs are clear on this being the case, but I’m not clear on whether that’s a limitation of Wear OS or simply the HA app for Wear OS.
not built yet, existing request:
Thanks for the info. Good news that it’s possible at least.
So maybe this is obvious to other folks, but I assumed that notifications sent to your phone would only show up on your watch when connected to it via Bluetooth (or at the very least, on the same WiFi network). However, on my run today I realized I received a notification on my watch that was sent to my phone, while only connected to LTE data. I promptly tested it out at home (with BT and Wi-Fi shutoff on my watch) and it worked every time (and they both showed up within a few seconds of each other).
I guess I’m just curious if this is using Google Firebase to keep my phone and watch connected or if it’s a Nabu Casa thing.
Regardless, pleasant surprise as it essentially solves my initial want of getting both actionable notifications on my watch and the ability to use the timeout feature while not connected to or near my phone.
firebase and some Wear OS magic