Wear OS tiles question

Hi there, I’m new to HA, apologies for newbies questions

  1. If I understand it correctly, we cant have individual tiles per entity (like one dedicated to turn on/off my bedroom lights, another one to handle my garage doors etc), instead we can have one Shortcut tile with a max 7 widgets?
  2. I managed to configure Shortcut tile but icons do not reflect current state. For instance, how do I know if my garage door is already open?

Yup 7 entities on the tile

There is an existing feature request for this.

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I cant find any information anywhere to even get those 7 entities to show up on the watch. I set up my favorites but i can only access them through the app on the watch and I have no idea how to configure the tile. how did you do it?

Open the watch app and go to settings at the bottom then setup the shortcut tile there

Dear dzshokouhi,

can you explain in a bit more detail?

I can’t get more detailed than that. Did you open the app?

I have a button for a door lock in HA, which will run an automation to open the door lock (currently lock entity only supports lock/unlock on wear os, but not open)

However, when I try to set my shortcut tile, this button does not show up, I don’t even see one single entity.

What am I missing?

Do you by chance have the show only favorites option enabled in wear OS app settings?

Ha, yes.

Though my lock was a favourite, it didn’t show up.
Showing not only the favourites did the job.

Thanks :slight_smile:

yea known issue unfortunately https://github.com/home-assistant/android/issues/3790

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is that feature request already avaible, to show the current state, i added a cover as entitie, but it doesnt show open/closed, or doesnt provide an different color?

Is it also possible to lock a shortcut, or like a double press? For instance for a door, so it doesn’t open by accident clicking on the shortcut…

not supported and probably wont happen due to tile limitations, they cant update fast enough and will be out of date often.


existing request for a confirmation prompt https://github.com/home-assistant/android/issues/3675