Hi there, I’m new to HA, apologies for newbies questions
If I understand it correctly, we cant have individual tiles per entity (like one dedicated to turn on/off my bedroom lights, another one to handle my garage doors etc), instead we can have one Shortcut tile with a max 7 widgets?
I managed to configure Shortcut tile but icons do not reflect current state. For instance, how do I know if my garage door is already open?
I cant find any information anywhere to even get those 7 entities to show up on the watch. I set up my favorites but i can only access them through the app on the watch and I have no idea how to configure the tile. how did you do it?
I have a button for a door lock in HA, which will run an automation to open the door lock (currently lock entity only supports lock/unlock on wear os, but not open)
However, when I try to set my shortcut tile, this button does not show up, I don’t even see one single entity.
is that feature request already avaible, to show the current state, i added a cover as entitie, but it doesnt show open/closed, or doesnt provide an different color?