WearOS Activity State Sensor not working

For those with the daily sensors not resetting. There is an open google bug in the issue tracker where they are requesting bug reports. If possible please try to add this in the report so they are aware of it. Also give a +1 if you face the issue so they are aware its more widespread.


It reset at midnight so fingers crossed. Thank you

So the problem is in the watch side? or in the app? I tried different apps even the google fit, and still not updates on exercises.
Also updated google health services in the app store on the watch to the last version but still no luck

Most likely the apps that you are using because exercise apps are responsible for notifying health services about the exercise activity so it can be passed to passive receivers like our app. Another thing you can try is looking at the device logs using logcat to see if anything sticks out. Not easy if you are not familiar with debugging on a watch as you need to connect to a computer and inspect the logs.

Hm, and there it stopped working. My complications is not updating any more. I have temperature sensors and such. It took a couple of days. I wonder why…

When logging out and in again then it is back.

I think this is the problem for me
android - Preventing App from Being Put to Sleep in Wear OS 4 - Stack Overflow.

Same issue with the wet mode sensor after update to Wear OS 4 on Galaxy Watch 4.
State is unknown or not updating off of its “off” state.
Tried reinstalling the Wear OS HA app, tried wiping its data, allowed all Wear OS app permissions, allowed background activity for the Wear OS HA app which effectively removed it from sleeping apps category, restarted the watch - issue is still there. :frowning:

hey guys yes on wear OS 4 we have seen that Bedtime mode, DND, Theater sync and now it seems Wet Mode also prevents the app from communicating to the server using its scheduled job. I have opened an issue with google and given them all we can. We have to wait for google to fix it as they are stopping the jobs from running entirely while these options are enabled

This is a behavior change outside of the apps scope as work manager jobs should at least still continue even if we can’t push updates via our callback.

Please feel free to give a +1 to this issue so Google knows the impact range. This morning I provided a bug report given their instructions. Hopefully they have what they need to continue and fix the bug.



I did a Factory-Reset and a clean install, but sadly it did not helped.

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so far it seems the factory reset helps iwth users facing difficulty with shortcut tiles not executing. This issue here seems to be a deeper Wear OS 4 bug and possibly health services too.

Since the last Samsung update for the watch, everything works as usual again.