I’m looking for a program to be able to activate/deactivate the aquarium light scheduler based on the weather conditions.
If possible I would like to avoid writing program code.
Can you help me?
Thank you
I’m looking for a program to be able to activate/deactivate the aquarium light scheduler based on the weather conditions.
If possible I would like to avoid writing program code.
Can you help me?
Thank you
Need a bit more information - what sensors do you have and how is your aquarium light controlled?
And, why weather conditions? Just so the tank looks like it has the same weather as outside for a cool effect, or because the tank is near a window - ?
Sorry for later response but i’ve problem with notification.
my acquarium light is controlled by tuya smart switch.
what I’m looking for is a program like “scheduler-card (GitHub - nielsfaber/scheduler-card: HA Lovelace card for control of scheduler entities)” but which is based on the weather conditions provided by “Forecast from Met.no”; in practice I would like that when it is cloudy or variable, the hourly scheduling that I have preset for turning the lights on and off would be activated.
Because is near window; excessive light (both sun and lamps) would cause an proliferation of algae.
Do you already have a sensor that shows the brighness of the light outside? What might make the most sense is an inexpensive light sensor right in the corner of that same window (rather than from a public weather feed as it might not match your actual hyper-local lighting conditions) - and not from even a personal weather station you might have as it would measure no light if covered with snow -
So once you have the above determined and added into Home Assistant, I would just suggest an input_select (dropdown) which could be named something like “Tank lighting Schedule” and it wouold have two values: “Enabled” and “Disabled”. Then go into all of your automations and include a check on that iunput_select as a condition in all the related automations, which would only continue is the value is “Enabled”. I only suggest this because on your ui_lovelace dashboard then you can just flip it from disable to enabled whenever you like as well.
Then, have two more automations, one that if the light level falls below a certain threshold, then change your input_select to “enabled”, and one to change the input select to “disabled” once the light levels cross above a certain threshold.
Depending upon your situation you would then want other automations to tweak everything so works perfectly. For example an automation that’s driven from that input select, To turn the lights on if the schedule would be a point where the lights would be on or to turn them off if it’s in the schedule at a point where the lights would already have been off. the easiest way to do this might be within your schedule that turns the lights on and off that it also has another input select that it changes and the input select which you could check when needed would represent the lights are on according to the schedule or the lights are off according to the schedule… ?
Sorry if you are not into programming - but you arent asking for something that needs a bunch of sophisticated coding work… roll your sleeve’s up! Your fish will thank you for it!