Weather Card / OpenWeatherMap

Hi all,

seems to be an easy question. But it’s not for me…
I what a „standard“ weather info for weather „now“, today(every 3 hours) and a daily forecast for the next 5-8 days.

Data should be:
Temp high
Temp low
Rain probability
Wind bearing
Wind gust
Sun hours?

Update maybe 15min? Hourly?
I am located in south Germany.

→ which Plattform provides this data accurately for home assistant
→ which home assistant card displays this data nicely? Any recommendations?

Is there a strait way forward or does it really have to be a complex solution with many providers?

I mainly tried:

  • OpenWeatherMap
  • AccuWeather
  • Open-Meteo
  • Pirate-Weather

All of them are close but definitely not sufficient.
Maybe OpenWeatherMap with advanced one-call-api-calls?

I tried various cards, including:

  • Plantium Weather card
  • Custom Weather Card
    I love WeatherPro-App on the iPhone. None of the cards in combo with the named sources came close.

Any experiences? Or recommendations? Is the one-call-api from OpenWeatherMap maybe the right way - or am I making things to complex?

Thank you very much folks for your help with this standard topic, may are coming across!

At some point you begin paying a subscription, but there is no reason to not use multiple sources if that is what you want. Except for increasing complexity.

I use OpenWeatherMap, hourly, and show the data on an entities card. What data is missing from OWM?

In my case…none of them and asked same queston before, it depends on location (me between hills and sea) too. My wished-for accuracy is only wrt rain and it misses prediction >50%

Hi, missing data by OWM:

  • wind gust → where to find??
  • „daily“ forecast-values → possible in AccuW or Open-Meteo or Private Weather
  • sun hours → where to find??

Wind gusts: Extremely local weather phenomenon. I might experience a 15MPH gust that my next-door neighbor won’t feel at all. And it’s gone in ten seconds. There is no weather service that can predict that. You need an anemometer of your own to quantify local wind gusts. No one, absolutely no one can predict wind gusts. When the weatherman says “…winds gusting to 10MPH…”, he is reporting what has been observed, not predicted. And if it’s a prediction, it’s no better than an educated guess based on predicted conditions.

Daily: I don’t think any free weather service provides forecasts beyond 24 hours. If you want a five-day forecast, you have to pay for it.

Sun hours: Not sure I know what you are asking for here? Have you looked at the Sun component? Again, “Sun” is localized. My daughter lives 40 miles north of me and her sunrise/sunset differ from mine by a few minutes depending on the time of the year.

this custom integration provides lots of extra solar information.