Just having a look to my weather card nearly at 11 PM…
I think, showing “sunny” is a bit weired at night
Would be great, if the card could reflect the time of the day - so… as soon as sun is down, it should probably show a Night Sky with moon (maybe even Moon-Phase?) and should probably just write: “clear sky”
in addition, I just found how to add the forecast option to the accuweather integration.
So this is solved for now… (now let’s see, if the issue of the met-integration is currently a bug or not)
Didn’t recognize, that I have to enable the forecast option seperately
I was looking for an alternative integration that could provide the info you needed until your FR is accepted and implemented (which I doubt will happen any time soon - but I can see you just reported an issue at the met.no integration, that may be the best way).
I’ve tried the Dutch Royal institute and they have the forecast, but as it is cloudy now I’m not sure they dont have the same issue as Met.no.
as already mentioned, just found how to enable forecast on accuweather
It is interesting, because the forecast (and temp. information) between accuweather and met are slightly different… so let’s see, which one provides better information in the end
Thank you… and sorry if my answer sounds rude… wasn’t intentional … it was a long day and I should go to bed now…