Weather-chart-card doesn't show correctly in picture-element?

GitHub - Yevgenium/weather-chart-card: Custom weather card with charts

Hi, Hi, In a normal dashboard, I try this code, everything shows good.

          - entity: weather.stclair_hourly
            show_main: true
            show_attributes: false
            type: custom:weather-chart-card

But when I put this in a picture-element, the graph doesn’t showed, I can only see the attributes.

      - type: picture-elements
        image: /local/ui/weather.png
          - entity: weather.stclair_hourly
            show_main: true
            show_attributes: true
            style: |
              :host {
                left: 58.5%;
                top:  76%;
                width: 70%;
                height: 100%;
              ha-card {
                height: 100%;
                border-radius: 1vw;
                font-size: 1.2vw !important;
            type: custom:weather-chart-card

anyone can help?