Weather Component - Combining local Weather Station data with Dark Sky Forecast

A few month ago I made a set of PHP Scripts that pulls data from my local WeatherFlow Weather Station and stores them in a MySQL database. That has been running perfectly, and has been feeding real-time data to my Weather Website.

I decided that I wanted to try and adapt this so that I could have a Home Assistant Weather Component that combines the real-time data from my WeatherFlow station and Forecast data from Dark Sky. The goal was to create a Custom Component that could work as a standard Weather Component, just with real-time data. I am now at a stage where I want to share this with the Community.

I have basically made 3 different things:

  1. HassWeatherflow Is a set of PHP Scripts that pulls data from the WeatherFlow station and pulls data from Dark Sky, and stores all that in a MySQL Database. Every 15 seconds, it then creates a JSON file, called hassweather.json and puts it in a user selected directory. This file contains all the data needed for the Custom Weather Component including real-time weather data, Hourly and Daily Forecast.
    I don’t know how many people actually have a WeatherFlow Station, but if you have another brand, and can make a program that can create the JSON file in the same format, the Custom Component below should work also for you. The format of the JSON is very similar to what Dark Sky delivers, I just replace the Current data with data from the Weather Station. (An example can be found in the data directory on Github)
  2. WeatherFlow Weather Component I took the standard HASS Weather Component and modified it, so that it reads the above mentioned file, and outputs a Weather Entity. This Entity is extended with some extra data, as we have a lot of data available when pulling the data out of the MySQL database.
  3. Weather Card Extended is a Lovelace Custom Card, that can be linked to the above mentioned Weather Component, and display most of the data that is exposed. It is a modification of the Animated Lovelace Weather Card, where I have added some extra Attributes, and the possibility to show Daily or Hourly Forecast.

    Note This Lovelace card will work with any Weather Component, so it does not need the above programs - you will just not see all data.

You can find a lot more information on the Github page, where all the components can be downloaded from.

weather-card-extended-dark weather-card-extended-light