Weather Dashboards

As a holiday gift, I got an Ambient Weather WS-50 weather station. Ambient Weather provides its own dashboard, and I currently have this displayed in my HA Dashboard with an iFrame. This is of course less than ideal, since loading does take some time and the theme does not match the rest of my installation.

I’m working on a way to display this data in my dashboard, using the AW dashboard as a jumping off point. I’m curious if anyone has found a way they like to display this data.

This might help you out.

Get the raw data into HA, then make your own lovelace card/page/etc for it.

Oh I know how to add the sensors, and I’m working on that now. I’m just curious if anyone has any cool layouts or ways of displaying data that could be an inspiration of sorts. I’m not the most creative when it comes to visual layout and design. Sorry for not making that more clear.

Why not just copy the other one inside HA? You can make that look pretty easily with custom:button-card

That’s what I’m doing at the moment. Just wondering if others who are more visually inclined than I am have any interesting layouts.

Sorry, I misunderstood.

Re: layout… I’m not a creative type either, so I currently just have mine in a 3x3 glance card. Here’s my weather page… (my data comes from darksky, flunearyou, WU, various sensors in and out of the house… lots of sources.)


I hadn’t even thought of including things like the the Cold/Flu index, that’s a good idea! Thanks!

Regarding your bottom right card (cold flu, air quality, etc.), how are you receiving the values in a human friendly format? IQVIA seems to output number values instead of the Low Medium High range which I would prefer.

Here’s my attempt at recreating your card:

I had to make some “friendly value sensors” (I just made my own value template sensor in config.yaml that strips the attribute from the sensor to display.) See my sample below.

# Cold Flu Friendly Value sensor
            friendly_name: "Cold Flu Index"
            value_template: "{{ states.sensor.cold_flu_index_today.attributes.rating }}"
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For my IQVIA I created gauges to show the levels, and color coded them appropriately. I’m just pulling in allergens at the moment.

type: gauge
  - entity: sensor.allergy_index_today
    max: 12
    min: 0
      green: 0
      red: 8.4
      yellow: 3.6
type: gauge
  - entity: sensor.allergy_index_tomorrow
    max: 12
    min: 0
      green: 0
      red: 8.4
      yellow: 3.6        

Perfect. it worked like a charm. Thank you!

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