Weather forecast card

I’d prefer to use Dark Sky for , as the weather.home, from persistantly shows as sunny when there is clear sky at night, and my location is correct, within 300mtrs

the docs show:-


type: weather-forecast
entity: weather.dark_sky

This card works only with platforms that define a weather entity.

E.g., it works with Dark Sky but not Dark Sky Sensor

but on lovelace:-

Does the section on the docs actually mean if Dark Sky sensors are in use elsewhere , that the entity weather.dark_sky is not available ???, which doesn’t seem very logical.

You can either configure dark sky as a sensor platform, or as a weather platform.
Do you have the weather platform configured? If so, it is probably named something other than weather.dark_sky.

My guess based on your post is that you only have the sensor platform configured.

Should also say you can also configure both at the same time, they aren’t exclusive.

Thanks Matthew, as you guessed I only have the sensor platform configured.
I’ll configure the weather platform as well

I wonder if they both use the same API Key ?


Not sure , I’ve added

  - platform: darksky
    api_key: !secret darksky_api_key
    units: uk2

strange windspeed on the forecast card is in km/h , I have restarted the server , I’ll watch over a day or so and see if it changes, the later section in config for the sensors does report the correct units

  - platform: darksky
    api_key: !secret darksky_api_key
    units:  auto
#    update_interval: '00:15'
    scan_interval: '00:05'
      - summary
      - precip_type
      - precip_probability
      - temperature
      - humidity
      - precip_intensity
      - wind_speed
      - pressure
      - wind_bearing
      - cloud_cover
      - wind_gust

its minor so not a real problem

I think you can use the same key, but I believe you’ll be duplicating API calls with both configured.

Had a close look at the UI
and the wind speed IS in mph, but for some reason its marked as km/h and its the same on the android app.
you can see from the screen shot the wind speed from the senor and the wind speed on the forecast are the same, but not the same units


Don’t use ‘units’ for the weather platform, unless you like the weather forecast card to be incorrect.

There is no way for you to know this since it isn’t documented.


Thanks Matthew.
I can wait until this gets sorted