Weather forecast daily HELP!

Hi, is there a way in new version 2024.4 of HA to extract the daily forecast via template?
In prev version I used attributes from weather.forecast_home to make sensors like:

  - platform: template

        value_template: >-
          {% set forecast = state_attr('weather.forecast_home', 'forecast')[0] %}
          {{ forecast.datetime | as_timestamp | timestamp_custom('%A') }}

        value_template:  >-
          {% set forecast = state_attr('weather.forecast_home', 'forecast')[0] %}
          {{ forecast.condition }}

day1 icon1 etc

but now I cannot find the daily forecast in attributes.
In weather card I can use: forecast_type: daily, but how to extract all days as separate sensors?

Thanks for any help!

Maybe this page can help. As far as I can see, you need to get the forecast data with a service call. Weather - Home Assistant

Thank you very much. Yes indeed with the service call I can get the daily forecast.
I will ttry to fix it that way