Weather forecast error

I have HA with hassio and my map was being mistakenly recognized in Amsterdam. I tried several ways to define for Brazil through the settings and the map was identified correctly. However, I tried to specify all the settings so that the Weather forecast appears as an image, but it continues to “pull” data erroneously, probably still the data of the city of Amsterdam by mistake (for example, temperature totally low in relation to Brazil - summer). Where would it be possible to reverse this? something was recorded in the test with the template by Paulus and Anne Therese in the Home Assitant community.

In developer tools > model, the templates include:

{% if is_state(“device_tracker.paulus”, “home”) and
is_state(“device_tracker.anne_therese”, “home”) -%}
You are both home, you silly
{%- else -%}
Anne Therese is at {{ states(“device_tracker.anne_therese”) }}
Paulus is at {{ states(“device_tracker.paulus”) }}
{%- endif %}
CHANGE TO >> (“device_tracker.leandro”, “home”) AND (“device_tracker.leandro.vianna”, “home”)

In condition:
Atributos de estado (YAML, opcional)

1 hidden: true
2 latitude: 52.3731339
3 longitude: 4.8903147
4 radius: 100
5 friendly_name: Casa
6 icon: ‘mdi:home’
CHANGE TO my location -29.688188 and -53.815202 cloudy temperature: 6
humidity: 99
pressure: 1036.4
wind_bearing: 48.4
wind_speed: 3.6
attribution: Weather forecast from, delivered by the Norwegian Meteorological Institute. (não consegui mudar)
forecast: [object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
friendly_name: Casa

weather.openweathermap rainy temperature: 6.6
humidity: 100
pressure: 1036
wind_bearing: 240
wind_speed: 1.8
attribution: Data provided by OpenWeatherMap
forecast: [object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
friendly_name: OpenWeatherMap

  • name: Home
    latitude: -29.688188
    longitude: -53.815202
    radius: 250
    icon: mdi:Home

  • name: school
    latitude: -29.688188
    longitude: -53.815202

  • name: home
    latitude: -29.688188
    longitude: -53.815202
    radius: 100
    icon: mdi:home


  • platform: owntrack
    host: https://…
    username: leandro
    password: mypsw
    track_new_devices: true
    hide_if_away: false


  • platform: openweathermap
    api_key: 1151…

You can “force” the latitude and longitude as parameters for the platform openweathermap… By default, the platform is using the latitude/longitude defined in the configuration.yaml file…

  - platform: openweathermap
    api_key: YOUR_API_KEY
    latitude: YOUR_LATITUDE
    longitude: YOUR_LONGITUDE

PS: Make sure to use the preformatted text so we can have a better view/understanding of your code…

The weather.openweathermap is working now, thank you very much.

  - platform: openweathermap
    api_key: 1151....
    latitude: -29.688188
    longitude: -53.815202

Meanwhile the forecast, from the meteorological site, seems to be set in some way hidden in Amsterdam, appears next to the other. Nowhere else in the .yaml file settings are there references to that place. Something maybe related is in the developer tools. I tried to delete the model and property in the developer tools, but the values ​​return after restarting the HA, something else must be elsewhere. This example templete referenced to “Paulus and Anne Therese” I found here, at to test and I got lost afterwards.

Here is some information about home assistant configuration… If nothing defined in the configuration.yaml file, HA is trying to find a location … So I recommend you define your location in the configuration.yaml file as well

As part of the default onboarding process, Home Assistant can detect your location from IP address geolocation. Home Assistant will automatically select a temperature unit and time zone based on this location. You may adjust this during onboarding, or afterwards at Configuration -> General.

If you prefer YAML, you can add the following information to your configuration.yaml :

  latitude: -29.688188
  longitude: -53.815202
  elevation: YOUR_ELEVATION

That was exactly what was missing, sorry for the newbie questions. I moved so much that I got lost later in the changes.

Thank you so much.