Have some challenges trying to get the weather icon (not state.icon) to show in picture-elements.
Dont face the same issue using other custom:cards.
Is this a limitation of the the weather-forecast card?
Any suggestions welcome?
The below shows the weather-forecast card correctly on its own in the dashboard.
If I use your code I get these results. Not like yours!
Weather Forecast card is available as a new card when adding to the dashboard, but not the weather-card
Custom cards (weather-card, hui-elements) should be INSTALLED.
They are not present in HA setup by default.
Find them in Github & install.
For beginners, the easiest way to install custom cards is via HACS. Google HACS and install it, then install these cards via HACS.
While trying to help another member in the forums, i came accross the hui-element. I would like to use it to add a vignette on a map card. Whatever i do, the map does not display. Could i please ask for some help? Here is what i tried so far:
I have a similar question: I want to change the background on my picture-elements card/dashboard, so that when it rains, it shows a rain .gif file I made, and same with sunny, cloudy etc…
I have searched online repeatedly, and I find different half-answers, none of which seem to work. I can’t believe this is so difficult, but surely someone must have figured this out by now. Any help appreciated!