Weather Forecast Issue with latest build


The following should result a forecast array:


In my case it returns null. Furthermore, with the below, as well no success:

{{ state_attr(‘weather.forecast_home’, ‘forecast’)[0][‘templow’] }}

UndefinedError: None has no element 0

Has something changed for MET.NO weather forecast as in the service I have both Daily and Hourly values.

Thanks for any hints.

You should ALWAYS read the breaking changes in releases before updating.

Thanks for pointing out change management. What you should know is that I started to get this forecasting implemented last night and I have the perception that some recent features might have affected previous best practices - but again still somewhere in lower end of the learning curve.

Ok, you got into HA just when the change that was announced 6 months ago got executed.
Weather forecasts are now a service call and not a sensor.