Weather-forecast not showing icons

Hey guys!

Since a few updates of HA the weather-forecast isn’t showing icons anymore. While editing the card, the icons are shown correctly in the preview.

I do not use any custom icons. HA core Install via PROXMOX scripts (tteckster).

Thank you in advance!

type: vertical-stack
   - show_current: true
     show_forecast: true
     type: weather-forecast
     entity: weather.forecast_home
     forecast_type: hourly
     secondary_info_attribute: humidity
     name: xxxxxxxx
   - show_current: false
     show_forecast: true
     type: weather-forecast
     entity: weather.forecast_home
     forecast_type: daily
   - square: false
     type: grid
       - show_name: true
         show_icon: true
         type: button
           action: navigate
           navigation_path: /lovelace/0
         icon: mdi:arrow-left-circle
         theme: dark_teal
         icon_height: 30px
       - show_name: true
         show_icon: false
         type: button
           action: navigate
              navigation_path: /lovelace/0
         icon: mdi:arrow-left-circle
         icon_height: 40px
         theme: dark_teal
         name: zurück
     columns: 2

Most likely a browser issue. Clear your cache

Your code produced icons.

This is not a case of the weather forecast as a sensor being removed a few versions back, since it was called for deprecation about 6 months ago?
It is now a service call.