Weather-forecast to live camera

Hi everyone,

coming from iobroker i find lovelave way more attractive as a userfriendly interface. since im using my homeassistant mostly to check who is on the front door, ive been searching for a way to change the weather-forecast card to a live stream from my camera, depending on the state of the doorbell.
so in short: i want the weather-forecast card to change to a camera live stream, if doorbell button is being pushed.
camera works, weather works, doorbell works, the rest is still in figuring out mode…

thank you

First thought:

  • an input_boolean that switches to ‘on’ if the doorbell is pressed. Maybe you have already one.
  • one conditional card if the input_boolean is ‘on’ (camera)
  • one conditional card if the input_boolean is ‘off’ (weather card)

thank you. have tried it and it works, kind of. problem is, that the cards have different postions in lovelace. so one does not really replace the other one, one just goes away while the other on is active…

There’s also a custom-card to dynamically replace cards.

Maybe this works better.

perfect. :slight_smile: works as expected! thank you!

edit: im having some problems using this. depending on state im switching between the weather card and the “picture-glance” card, which is showing a live feed from a camera. sometimes though it is only showing a red bar.

did some testing. the red bar only shows when switching between eg. the weather and the picture-glance card. weather plus picture card are no problem!