Weather integration (buienradar): no pressure?

Hi all,

I’m usint the Buienradar integration, everything works fine except for the pressure. The pressure never gets displayed. See image below:

Buienradar no pressure

I use the following configuration:

# Weather
  - platform: buienradar
    name: 'Tuk'
    latitude: xx.xx
    longitude: x.xx
    forecast: true

Are others experiencing this as well? What can I do to get the pressure to display correctly?

this is what I have in Lovelace:

type: weather-forecast
entity: weather.asingaborg
secondary_info_attribute: pressure

Schermafbeelding 2021-01-11 om 13.00.43

- platform: buienradar
  timeframe: 60
  name: "buienradar"
    - condition
    - conditionexact
    - humidity
    - temperature
    - windspeed
    - winddirection
    - pressure
    - visibility
    - precipitation
    - precipitation_forecast_average
    - precipitation_forecast_total
    - rainlasthour
    - temperature_1d
    - temperature_2d
    - rainchance_1d
    - rainchance_2d
    - sunchance_1d
    - sunchance_2d
    - rain_1d
    - rain_2d
    - minrain_1d
    - maxrain_1d
    - winddirection_1d
    - winddirection_2d
    - windspeed_1d
    - windspeed_2d
    - condition_1d
    - condition_2d
    - conditionexact_1d
    - conditionexact_2d

Thanks for the respond. Good to know that this works, but then I have to create a different integration.

I use this integration:
And I believe this integration should support the pressure as wel, and there is no need to manually set which conditions you want to have monitored.

I would like to know if it is possible to have it working with the default weather integration without manually setting the conditions.

If this is not possible, than your solution is a option.

Its same platform only different way of handeling.
The way I do, you have more options to add see the list

@Deadpool did you solve this issue? I live in The Netherlands also (in fact not too far from you). Also don’t have the pressure displayed. Accuweather shows it, but I’d rather use Buienradar

Check which weather station you are using.

You can find the weather stations here:
Buienradar weather stations

Over here you can see which data is available at the weather stations:
Weather data

I was using Marknesse at first, but for some reason they don’t have pressure available. Now I switched to Hoogeveen, and they have pressure available. I rather would use Marknesse because it’s closer to my home, but because of the missing pressure I don’t use it.

Thanks. Did you do some custom configuration then? From the standard implementation I can’t setup a different station. If you have an example that would be nice :slightly_smiling_face:

When you create the buienradar integration, you need to setup the correct lat/lon of the weather station you would like to use:
This is how I did it.

Ah yes, bur then you use the weather forecast for some other place, in this case Hoogeveen. I want my local weather, so I’ll do without the pressure then. Thanks for clearing out.