Weather Open weather map daily mode not functional?


Using OWM with the mode: daily

  - platform: openweathermap
    api_key: !secret openweather_key
    name: Home Owm
    mode: daily 

renders a non state in Lovelace


Is this a bug somehow? I like to use a daily forecast since I get hourly ones now, and that won’t fit the custom cards…

What about weather.openweathermap ?
I think the name is only for showing in the card.

no, don’t think so. the weather component is named following the name you give it in the Yaml configuration.
there is no weather.openweathermap in my setup. Added to that, it did for just fine before. Comes and goes now, and it started using 84.1. Because of that I tried to use the mode: daily, (that’s what I need really) but that rendered this outcome.

its back again now…

53 and as you see, not with 5 consecutive days in the forecast.
I think I read somewhere on the community OWM stopped supporting the daily mode in free mode…

You’re right, the weather entity gets the entity_id from the name, without it its called 'weather.openweathermap`

  - platform: openweathermap
    api_key: !secret owm_api_key
    name: My weather
    mode: daily
          - type: weather-forecast
            entity: weather.my_weather

The daily mode works for me.

and you’re not paying for it…? :wink:

No, not one cent.

BTW, im going to disable OWM.
Darksky is more accurate for me.

ok, well, then I will try again.
This is too silly to let go


well, unfortunately I get the red banner again:


checked at and I understand that to be valid for current and 5day/3 hour.

thing is I don’t want the 3 hours, only the 5 days…

even made a second component, without the name, to have it as default as possible, but it simply isn’t created. Im puzzled.

I had the same problem after upgrading from version 0.82 to version 0.83
The solution was to remove the “weather.openweathermap: {}” line in the /config/customize.yaml file.
And delete string “mode: daily” in configuration.yaml

using this:

  - platform: openweathermap
    api_key: !secret openweather_key
    name: Home Owm

results in:


don’t have that I am afraid… what does it do?

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Did you manage to fix this? I have the same problem. I changed from ‘daily’ to ‘freedaily’ and that seems to work though.

I recieve an error doing so, please post your full OWM config so I can copy and try that?

I just changed ‘daily’ to ‘freedaily’ in the config file. After I did a subsequent reboot, it didn’t work so I deleted the mode option, it doesn’t seem to work consistently.