Weather radar Denmark

Anyone knows a source for a animated weather radar for Denmark that can be used in HA (GIF)

No one with a GIF source?

DMI is now forced to make their data available for free, but they do it in a phased approach, and I cannot remember when the radar data will be available - it might be a year or two.

That is good news, but do you think it will be available as GIF like in the “old” days?
I guess we have to be patient then :woozy_face:

DMI will first be done with their free data service releases in 2023 and forecasts seems to be last.
I have been looking into instead. have their own free data services and they are further ahead in their release plan, but they also have a shared set of data services with and those data services might have what you need. here are the links. Nedlastingstjenester

There are both a javascript and a PHP version available and the PHP version might have what you want or at least give you a way forward to get it.

I will look into it but hope there is a GIF version available somewhere. This is the only way I know how to show the animated radar image.

In case people are still interested, I managed to extract the DMI radar GIF some time ago. I implemented it as a Markdown card, since it didn’t work right with the ‘Picture’ element when I first tried it:

type: markdown
content: >-
  as_timestamp(now()) }})

It seems you can insert anything after the v= in the URL, so I just give it a timestamp as an easy way to give a unique URL string each time it’s needed – that forces HA to display a refreshed GIF, since it might cache and display older images otherwise.

I have a custom card for radar pictures.
It is animated and can even zoom and be moved.
It is named weather radar card in HACS.


How did you find the url? Wondering if it is possible to get a URL that is a little more zoomed in, and possibly with their other radar options?

Specifically I would like to see North Zealand and both rain (and lightening), wind, and temperature radars as GIF’s

Would that even be possible?

I found the URL by poking around with Google Chrome’s “inspect” function. From what I could tell, it seems that DMI only has one version of the animated radar GIF; the zoom function on the website simply asks the web browser to change the display size [and remove/add town labels]. Somebody more savvy could probably replicate those functions but that’s way beyond my ability.

@WallyR’s HACS card (described above) can do what you need with centering on a desired location and zooming. I’ve had it side-by-side with DMI’s radar GIF for a while, and both provide rather similar radar animations.

IIRC lightning already shows up in the DMI radar GIF but not WallyR’s card, but I’ll have to wait for the next lightning storm to confirm that 100%. :cloud_with_lightning: :slight_smile: :cloud_with_lightning:

The other DMI maps like temperature and wind seem to be separate layers that are visualized with javascript on their website, rather than a simple GIF. So I have no idea how to extract and display them…

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The HACS card is quite nice but unfortunately not that useful to me has it only shows the current rain status but I am more interested in the forecast for at least the next 30-60 min (like DMI does).

The gif from the DMI radar is quite frustrating since, as others said, you cannot really zoom it and I do not like that you cannot see the timeframe.

It would be nice a card that at least says raining for the next 35 min taking information from the radar map. I don’t know if the openweather integration can actually do that like I can see from the website:
