Weather reporting invalid rain values


First image shows invalid precipitation value.
Second image shows 72 inches of precipitation (there has been absolutely no precipitation in the last 72 hours, certainly not 6 feet of rain).

I don’t know what integration this is or where it comes from. It’s the default weather card or whatever that comes with it.

I’m not a developer so please don’t tell me to github it or whatever all that is. Just reporting so hopefully someone will see and fix. Thanks.

Well, there is no weather default so… not much can be done on our end. You’ll have to find out the integration you used. Start by looking in configuration.yaml or your integrations page.

You won’t garner any sympathy from anyone by saying things like this. You don’t have to be a developer to use github and submit an issue. It’s like filling out a form for your delivery address. If you can do that, you can submit an issue on github.

Hear, hear.

So many people give their free time for the features and support received. It comes off so entitled when someone doesn’t want to give back a fraction of their day helping maintainers help the reporter back …