Which weather station would be recommended for use with HA? Looking for wind, UV/irradiation, temp, perhaps rain. Any tips for a good value weather station?
Diy maybe
Weather Underground, I think, would be where you wanted to look. And once your PWS is operational, use the Weather Underground component in Home Assistant.
I looked around online for a weather station, and the one that jumps out is the Ambient Weather WS-2902 Osprey. This has all the convenient features in a solid and affordable package. It also support Weather Underground.
@wpattison: it was my understanding Weather Underground is no longer offering a free tier? So I would have to pay a monthly fee or something? I would like my weather station to communicate directly with Home Assistant, not relying on any cloud service for it’s information. But i think only the Netatmo component is available for that, and that’s it.
Still not sure which would be the best option
Is the free tier removal recent? I setup a free account not long ago - was I super lucky? Yikes!
Yeah, other than Netatmo, not sure about anything else directly interfacing with Home Assistant.
This changes my plans… I was just researching PWS’s this morning. If WU kills off the free API access I’ll move to Netatmo. Thanks for the heads up.
I have a davis vue and I have it feed into WU via Cumulus, then from WU to Ha. Dead easy and brilliant.
I have also a weatherstation which is connected to Wunderground, but as the service will be discontinued I am looking into an “onPrem” Solution.
I need the follwoing sensors for Automation:
*) Outside Temp
*) Solar Radiation
I want to have the following sensors in addition
*) Windspeed and direction
*) Rain
What options are there to integrate a Weatherstation directly to HA and not via the cloud?
How does that work if WU disanle the api?
I’m using weeWX, running on a Raspberry Pi Zero W connected to my weather station via USB, to get data from the station. The MQTT extension for weeWX is then publishing that data for HA to pick up. Been running this for the last six months or so with no problems.
weeWX supports a lot of different stations. I’m using an Aercus WS3083 and I’m happy with it.
The option that appeals most to me is the Ventus W830 weather station. Feature wise it’s quite nice and it’s relatively cheap. Then to combine it with weeWX on a Raspberry Pi Zero W as @stibbons was suggesting.
I don’t have this running yet, it just seemed like the best option that could work with Home Assistant, after some research. The Ventus can be bought in Europe, it’s technically identical to Ambient Weather WS-2902 Osprey (US-only) and it is mentioned on the weeWX supported hardware list I believe.
Netatmo has been extremely reliable for me. You have the added luxury of indoor modules also. A bit pricey maybe, but very good.
@Nutti85 Does Netatmo measure solar radiation?
No, but you can probably add a sensor from other weather services for that.
I am running the MQTT extension in weewx, but am very new to HA - can you give any more details about how I hook up data published to my MQTT broker to HA, please?
Ambient Weather looks pretty interesting, especially with the latest update. Their WS-1550-IP sensor doesn’t include a remote display (keeping the cost down) which I don’t need anyway since I plan to monitor through my HA dashboard. It looks like if I bought that weather station the only way to get the data from it is to go through the Ambient Weather server. Does anyone know if it is possible to access my weather station directly and keep everything local? Or am I just misinterpreting? If my internet went down or the Ambient Weather servers went down I would loose access to my weather station correct?
I just got an WS-1401 from Ambient. I didn’t even set up their receiver box yet, and got the weather station readings coming into HA with mqtt from a RTL-SDR dongle and the rtl_433 program.
I get a n update every 16 seconds:
ambient/Fine_Offset_WH24/183 {"time" : "2019-01-19 21:02:30", "model" : "Fine Offset WH24", "id" : 183, "temperature_C" : 2.100, "humidity" : 68, "wind_dir_deg" : 68, "wind_speed_ms" : 0.560, "gust_speed_ms" : 1.120, "rainfall_mm" : 7.200, "uv" : 38, "uvi" : 0, "light_lux" : 866.200, "battery" : "OK", "mic" : "CRC"}
Hi @tube0013,
Can you eleborate a litle bit more about how you used this receiver? I also have a RF weather station but uncertain what receiver to bu and how to integrate it into HA.
I’m interested in your setup also. I have the 1550-IP.
You could use Weewx, running on a Raspberry pi to collect the data. Go to the web site (weewx.com) and it lists the weather stations that it supports. Then add the weewx - mqtt driver add-on which can be used to send various data to mqtt sensors in Home Assistant.
Ambient isn’t on their supported hardware list.