Weather Station


One of your options is probably WeeWX and any weather station compatible with it. Indeed it requires some setting up.

Or maybe better an Ecowitt (Fine Offset Clone) compatible device.

Conrad has a model Eurochron EFWS 2900 which supports Ecowitt setup and custom server with higher firmware versions, like v1.5.3.

(The display provides the inside temperature and the pressure readings, and of course the Wifi connection to your network to feed data to HA.)

You can create an AP with your Pi to have the display connect to it. That’s how I am running mine with a WeeWX server.

You are right, you can buy the outside unit separately.

The only thing if you go down the 433MHz route, that you need an SDR or some sort of 433Mhz receiver and a software to encode.

With the Wifi inside unit you have that in place and you can straight provide the from that to HA. (Less hassle…)

Otherwise regarding battery life. I have mine running on the same batteries for more than a year, just make sure to use Lithium battery, not rechargeable ones. They stand better the low temperature. (The photovoltaic panel keeps it mostly alive.)

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Most of them are Fine Offset clones.

Ambient Weather

Just to mention a few…

All uses the same hardware and software. (Or mostly the same…)

For the 433Mhz solution look at this:

Thanks for all the help. I will try Eurochron EC-3802394 Multi-sensor and this antenna that seems very popular.

If you are planning to use rtl_433, you will need a SDR receiver and not this basic RF module.

It depends on the range you need. If you want it to have more coverage, you should choose one with an external antenna.
Added to that, look at the comments, as it will run 24/24, you need to verify its reliability.

I don’t think it is common for weather stations as they don’t need to have a so wide spectrum (permitted by this chip)


Can you tell me if you got this working and how. The easy solutions I found are cloud based, which I like to avoid.

I can still advise the Weather Station listed in the top posts with the indoor panel, it is an Ecowitt equivalent and there is a pretty good integration for Ecowitt.
The indoor panel would connect to your WiFi network and can send Ecowitt messages to HA. You can set up the Weather Station to post to WU or MET as well if you want to share the data.

Thanks for the advice.
After some digging I decided to go for the solution created by I like the unit to measure “one drop” of rain and the faster luminescence sensor. With the additional wind speed and direction I should be able to control sunscreens and window shutters more automatically.
There is an integration for it “wiffi”. To bad the site and manuals are not in English and you need to be a little handy for it as it is a DIY unit.
It might take me a while to set-up as some components I need will not be there before February 2021.