Somehow, it only shows on the GUI an “eye” as icon and the “status” in clear text. I would like to change the icon depending to the status. Has anyone an idea how to do this? Would be nice to have those symbols used from material design.
We have an open story for this. A weather component could translate the textual summaries into standardized output and the frontend show icons according the state.
but instead of displaying an icon it just outputs the name of the material design icon for the current conditions e.g.
I was also wondering if it is possible to get an actual forecast for the weather instead of the current conditions. I’d like to set up notifications / automations based on the forecast for the next week for example, but none of the listed variables appear to be anything other than current conditions.
I didn’t pay close attention to it and that’s why I set a default icon (to avoid getting errors), but thanks for the mapping, probably easy to do with simple {% if %} {% elif %} {% endif %} in my template… Am working now on grouping my automations and creating scripts to allow delay based on input sliders, but I’ll sure come back to your findings and post the results (if you don’t beat me to it )
I wonder if instead of templating the icon you could try setting the entity_picture:?
Use one of the png weather icon sets that are available - some of which are already named appropriately - and then just did a substitution on the image name.