Weather Underground - API keys are available for PWS transmitters, but integration not working

I would assume you need an actual PWS to upload to Weather Underground. If it would be otherwise, you could check out the weewx forum.

I’m new to Home Assistant and am having a hard time finding a complete step-by-step guide on how to add my Personal Weather Station feed from Weather Underground to HA with complete instructions to how to create a card/panel/whatever it is called that shows the data… I have my stations ID and Key and the API’s Key as well… Yes, I guess since I have a registered PWS with WU that was the easiest part of this exercise…

I will continue my search, but thus far no one seems to cover the “complete process” all the way to how to display the data. Seems it assume new HA users would never need to be hand held step-by-step??

Anyone know any guides that cover the complete process??


PS: I tried following…

I copied all of the items into the config file and nothing worked. I kept getting errors. It seems that it is not a simple cut and past. Also nothing about creating the display of all that information…

UPDATE:… I found something that works and since it talks to my HUB directly I am not dependent on an external service from WU…

Hi @Awebian I am facing similar problem. Having you manage to make it working?

I have a Raspberry Pi 4 with HassOS 4.10 installed

I have a valid API key.

I have followed many posts in the HA community and GitHub but I cannot make it working.

I do believe that I am doing a basic mistake. Anyone can please assist me to put this working on my HA.

I have only added the following “code” into the /config/configuration.yaml file.

There are any missing?

Example configuration.yaml entry


  • platform: wundergroundpws
    api_key: MY API KEY
    pws_id: MY APY ID
    • humidity
    • temp
    • dewpt
    • heatIndex
    • windChill
    • precipRate
    • precipTotal
    • pressure
    • windGust
    • windSpeed
    • weather_1d
    • weather_1n
    • weather_2d
    • weather_2n
    • weather_3d
    • weather_3n
    • weather_4d
    • weather_4n
    • weather_5d
    • weather_5n