Weather widget state_map?

Hello is there some way how to change text of weather widget items? I mean Humidity, Rain, Apparent Temp etc.
For some other widgets there is state_map list but weather widget is not able to do this. Thanks.

only if you create a custom widget.
those words are hardcoded in the HTML from the widget.

And where are widgets html? Maybe I could edit it directly?

you could but its not advvisable, because it will be lost with the next update.
but if you want to do it the widgets are all in 1 subdir from the installed appdaemon directory.

Here you can check appdaemon install script: Hassbian - get to work SOLVED

But under home/homeassistant/appdaemon or srv/appdaemon I can´t see widgets nor their html files. Which path does your HA use?

all my python programs are in a local lib dir from usr
i think that is normal that way.
but you can always search you disk for “widget”

Weird there is just no “widget” directory in whole hassbian :frowning:

i dnt know if it would find it when you look at widget.
the dir is called widgets.

but just find out where your python is installed and you will find home assistent and appdaemon there.