- Current Weather and Forecast data

Hi Marius,
Did you change anything when copying this error message?
I was wondering about lat=lat6&lon=4lon3 in the error message.

Anyway, this is an irritating error to fix, as it only shows when there is a connection issue to Weatherbit - which fortunately - does not happen that often.

I have now made a catch all errors, and these will be returned to Home Assistant and put in the Log. If you get any, let me know what it says, so I can try to, either filter them away, if they are insignificant or at least categorise them as Warnings instead of errors if relevant.

This will be in release 30.

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yeah, thatā€™s my way of redacting the error output ;-), It is correct in the original errorā€¦
and back up again after a restart btw.

will do!

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Hi Bjarne,

thanks for the new update, all working smoothly. Please note that the snow sensor also changed, to sensor.weatherbit_snow_rate

since its not in the release notes/breaking changes I got the yellow bar in the Lovelace view upon updatingā€¦ :wink:

You are right Marius, I forgot I renamed this also. The release notes are now updated to reflect this change. But same logic applies. As the Unique_id does not change, the sensor names stay the same as before the update, unless you delete and re-add the Integration.

Does this integration have over night high and low Temperature like Darksky did? I use that to set my thermostats.

No, unfortunately that is not available in the API. The High/Low temperatures are for the whole day (6AM to 6AM)
Canā€™t you use the Current Temperature as a guidance? You can get that when adding the sensors to your installation.

Its definitely possible. It would just be a more complicated automation. Having a night time high letā€™s me set the thermostat once for a sleep mode. Iā€™ll have to figure out some other way of handling it.

Hi Bjarne,

in other threads the unit for windspeed popped up again. Weather bit now uses m/s but some prefer km/h (in the metric system of course). would it be possible, call it even a cool feature, to be able to select the unit in the integrations options?
It would prevent the need for some to have to write extra template sensors.

also, and that wouldnā€™t need any option at all: could you add ā€˜Knopenā€™ (Dutch for) or ā€˜Knotsā€™
thanks for considering !

Hi Marius,
I will add the Wind Unit to the Config Options, and also the Dutch translation. Thanks for your suggestion.


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Release 0.32

Added option to set Wind Unit
If you are using the Metric Unit System in Home Assistant, there is now an option to set the Wind Unit to either m/s, km/h or knot in the Config Flow. You will be asked during installation, or you can change it, if the Integration is already installed, by going to the Integrations tab and select Options.

Note: If you are using the Imperial Unit system, changing this has no effect.

Nice change, but knot is an imperial measurement. Well it is universal really, but its definition is one nautical mile per hour.

Agree - But I never had a request from an Imperial user to change Wind Units, and Marius was asking for it, so I made it. For Wind Speed 1 m/s equals 1.9 knot

Thanks! Though I fear I might have caused some confusion here, for which I am sorryā€¦

the Dutch word I mentioned (Knopen) is for the English ā€˜Knotsā€™. I asked if it was possible to add that, by which I meant add a dedicated ā€˜Knotsā€™ sensor. This would be of added value certainly. And make your component stand out even more, since not many (if any) weather integrations offer that.

No problem Marius - Unfortunately I also have the habit of reading things to fast, and not always ensuring I understood it before I GO FIX.

Anyway, so let me see if understand what it is you want:

  • A separate sensor that display a knot value
  • Where would you expect that data to come from, if it is not converting the Wind Speed?
  • Or is it just converting the Wind Speed, but as a separate sensor?


that was what I hoped for yes (but only because I think that would be easiest. If you would know of a better way?)ā€¦ cool if you would!

so, dont take out any of the other sensors/options, but please add an extra sensor for Knots (Knopen) converted from the current raw Windspeed data

btw my raw api data now shows windspeed : 6.53215

but the sensor shows: Schermafbeelding 2020-08-22 om 10.17.07

(and the others show different values tooā€¦ is this a timing thing, or does the integration use other api data then the address does)

Got it. I will remove the knot conversion from the regular Wind Speed, and add a new sensor. With that, also the users with Imperial unit system, will have access.

And yes, the difference in data is a timing issue.

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cool, thanks, youā€™re a champ!
working nicely as it stands, must say. Love these options in integrations that have effect immediately without requiring a restart :wink:

need to find a correct icon for Knots:

Schermafbeelding 2020-08-22 om 10.37.32


fear mdi:sign-direction comes closestā€¦ or flag-variant maybe

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Release 0.33

  • Added new sensor Wind Speed nautical
    A new sensor that display the Wind Speed in Nautical Miles per Hour, has been added.
  • Removed the knot conversion introduced in release 0.32, and replaced it with the sensor from this integration.
  • Bumped weatherbitpypi to 0.25.1


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That looks like a footpath signpost to me though :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: