
Please can you help with this error:
Error loading /config/configuration.yaml: while parsing a block mapping
in “/config/configuration.yaml”, line 37, column 3
expected , but found ‘-’
in “/config/configuration.yaml”, line 42, column 3

  platform: emoncms
  api_key: xxxxxxx
  url: http://xx.xx.xx.xx
  id: 2


  - platform: wundergroundpws
    api_key: xxxxxx
    pws_id: KORSALEM127
    latitude: 44.887321
    longitude: -123.015373
      - humidity
      - temp
      - dewpt
      - heatIndex
      - windChill
      - precipRate
      - precipTotal
      - pressure
      - windGust
      - windSpeed
      - weather_1d
      - weather_1n
      - weather_2d
      - weather_2n
      - weather_3d
      - weather_3n
      - weather_4d
      - weather_4n
      - weather_5d
      - weather_5n
      - temp_high_1d
      - temp_low_1d
      - wind_1d
      - precip_1d
      - precip_chance_1d
      - winddir
      - neighborhood
      - obsTimeLocal
      - stationID
      - elev
      - today_summary

Shift your sensor left to align with the previous one.

When you define multiple sensors, each one’s configuration uses a hyphen and all should be vertically aligned.

- platform: emoncms
  api_key: xxxxxxx
  url: http://xx.xx.xx.xx
  id: 2

- platform: wundergroundpws
  api_key: xxxxxx
  pws_id: KORSALEM127
  latitude: 44.887321
  longitude: -123.015373
    - humidity
    - temp
    - dewpt
    - heatIndex
    - windChill
    - precipRate
    - precipTotal
    - pressure
    - windGust
    - windSpeed
    - weather_1d
    - weather_1n
    - weather_2d
    - weather_2n
    - weather_3d
    - weather_3n
    - weather_4d
    - weather_4n
    - weather_5d
    - weather_5n
    - temp_high_1d
    - temp_low_1d
    - wind_1d
    - precip_1d
    - precip_chance_1d
    - winddir
    - neighborhood
    - obsTimeLocal
    - stationID
    - elev
    - today_summary

Still does not work no errors now, Check config spins and never stops.
Reboot both sensors do not work, remove wunderground and emoncms works.

Wundergroundpws appears to be a custom integration. Contact its author for help and/or refer to this thread:

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Yes quotation marks.