Web Interface not loading


I just installed Hass.io on my rPi3+ and added a few thing:

Hue Hub
Homekit integration
Configuration Plugin
Wake On Lan

but now my Web interface (and the app) is not working anymore. Hassio seems to run as switching lights with my iPhone works fine.

This is my current configuration.yaml:
configuration.yaml (2.1 KB)

What did I do wrong?

don’t know what’s wrong, but…

if you can connect with samba, or with ssh go see if there is not an error in your log files.

each time you make a change in your config, go to settings >> general >> check config button before rebooting

this wil save you a lot of time in case or error in your config

Hi Vincent,

thanks a lot - i coud have figured that out myself. Actually the problem was on the users side :wink:

  • From the LAN i didnt’t mind the https - and http seems to be deaktivated with the certificate enabled
  • From the WAN the router was the problem - not sure why but after restarting the router hassio was reachable from outside again


Have you install DuckDNS ? Maybe it can help
and also Dnsmasq can be usefull