Web page and sub page status monitor

I run a number of usenet programs all via my my own domain and nginx.

Is it possible to monitor if any of the pages go down via home assistant?

I would really like to either ask google to run through the list giving me a status up date. Or get a notification if one goes down.

Maybe the ping sensor can help you out? https://home-assistant.io/components/binary_sensor.ping/

I looked at this but it does offer support for a port
Is need (example) for nzbget

That would be correct seeing as the ping command will only ping the network interface that the service is running on. (your network card)

Anyway, NZBGet supports API calls. Have a look at the documentation here: https://nzbget.net/api/
and in particular the status method: https://nzbget.net/api/status. I don’t know the specifics but i guess this will be your only way for home assistant to communicate with NZBGet.

EDIT: this had me wondering if this is already supported by home-assistant. and it seems like it is!: https://home-assistant.io/components/sensor.nzbget/

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Yeah I noticed that
I just need one for Mylar lazylibrary ect :slight_smile: