Webhook - who opened the door?

Hello community,

in my setupit is possible to open the main-door via webhook. For some reason this was done multiple times this morning when everybody was sleeping. That is also confirmed in the Logs. Now i did some testings to figure out how to find - or in future to log - the IP adress of the device which has triggered this automatition - without success.

Changing the Log-level for “homeassistant.components.webook:” to “debug” will also not log the ip.

Has anyone an idea how i can realize this? The webhook is only accessible from local network. So it must be any of my devices.

Logger:Set Level

service: logger.set_level
  homeassistant.components.http.view: debug`

and then monitor via ssh to confirm it’s working and logging while triggering the webhook
tail -f /config/home-assistant.log

2023-05-15 10:52:37.257 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.http.view] Serving /api/webhook/-WEBHOOK-ID to (auth: False)

lets see what the next days will bring :wink: