Webhooks image with multipart/form-data header


Has anyone tried - or can help me get on the right track with decoding an image sent through Webhooks to Home Assistant? I have an integration with platerecognizer that works really well; it sends information back to Home Assistant through webhooks without any issues. Platerecognizer has the option to send the snapshot image along with the webhook, which also works.

I would like to store these images locally so that I can display them in my dashboard along with the latest license plate number.

Thank you in advance

from their docs:
" Webhook With Image

Snapshot: HTTP Request

POST target_url

The request body contains a multipart/form-data content. Receiving this data is like receiving the content of a form with an input of type file. It has two fields:

  • upload contains the image binary content
  • json is the JSON encoded data."

Hi. I’m trying to do the same thing but also get the plate and vehicle information extracted from the JSON file. Have you been able to do this? I’m currently getting the webhook received but not sure how to display the information.